Position of trust

There are more ways to get involved within the Student Union. In addition to the obvious fact of making your voice heard as a member or perhaps sitting on a union involvment boeard, you can, among other things, choose to sit on the Nomination Committee, to be the Auditor General or to be a Student Representative. The charm of a student union is precisely that the opportunities are many and there are good opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in different types of engagement. Below we will explain a little more what these mean.

The Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee prepares four elections during the spring term:

Elections to the Presidium
The Bureau consists of the three people who sit as chairman and two vice chairmans. They hold the student union's daily activities together with the union board.

Election to the union board
The union board consists of up to 13 people who, among other things, implement decisions made by the Member Meeting. The Nomination Committee nominates the five members who do not represent the union involvment boards.

Election of student representatives
The student representatives, the StuRe group, are students who sit on all the university's decision-making bodies to represent students. Jobs during these elections include publishing information, conducting interviews and finally nominating candidates.

Company accountant

The student union must have at least one, preferably several, company accountant (s). Its task is to continuously ensure that the presidium, the union board, the union involvment boards and others active in the Student Union follow the governing documents and guidelines adopted by the Members' Meeting. The company accountant is nominated by the Nomination Committee and appointed by the fourth ordinary members' meeting. The company accountant should be related to, or have insight into, Halmstad University's and the student union's work, as this is part of the review.

Finally, the company accountant writes an audit report to the second ordinary members' meeting as to whether the operations have taken place in accordance with the articles of association and business objectives. It may sound complicated but it is an excellent opportunity for you who are careful and who may have an interest in auditing in the future. In addition, it is very good that we at the Student Union have an company accountant who makes sure that we follow what the members' meeting has decided for us, it is a security for you members too!

Student representation

Halmstad Student Union's main tasks are basically education monitoring, student influence and quality assurance. We must be the students 'voice at the university and ensure that the students' perspectives are included when needed. 

It is in accordance with section 7 of the Student Union Ordinance that the student union has the right to appoint student representatives. We appoint student representatives to Halmstad University's all decision-making and preparatory committees, councils and boards. 

These representatives are the students' voice towards the university and those who monitor the quality of your education.

Closed for applications

The application period for assignments in the school year 2023/2024 is now closed.