Ombud for students and PhD students

The task of the Ombud is to provide students at Halmstad University (HH) with guidance and support in matters regarding your studies and your rights as a student. You can contact the Ombud regardless of the severity of the matter. No third party will be informed that you have contacted the Ombud unless you have actively approved of it.

The Ombud can

  • be a neutral, independent party between you as a student and HH in the event of a conflict
  • help you understand your own rights and obligations
  • help with complaints
  • ensure that your rights are protected and investigate whether HH is following the rules in handling your case

The Ombud cannot

  • take sides and speak on behalf of the student to HH
  • decide in the case
  • give instructions to or receive instructions from departments or decision-making bodies at HH on how to make decisions
  • be an appeal mechanism for issues that have already been dealt with by other departments or decision-making bodies at HH

Contact the Ombud

Do not hesitate to contact the Ombud, whether you just have a question or are experiencing problems. It is always free and always available to all students at Halmstad University, and is a support function that you have the right to contact whenever you want. Cases are treated confidentially and anonymity is offered as far as possible.

More about the Student Union's handling of personal data can be found here.

Educational surveillance

The Ombud also supports the Student Union's vice president in matters of educational surveillance such as quality, work environment and internationalization. Your question can contribute to a positive development for many students so do not hesitate to contact us!

Knowledge bank

Below you'll find a collection of links to use if you want to research your rights on your own.