The School's Group

What positions are available within the group?

  • School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences - 3 representatives.

  • School of Information Technology - 3 representatives

  • School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability - 3 representatives.

  • School of Health and Welfare - 3 representatives.

For each School, one of the three Student Representatives will be assigned group leader and will then participate in the Academy's decision - making meeting.

Why should you become a student representativ in the Schools group?

As a student representative in the Academy group, you can participate in:

  • Raising educational issues within the school.
  • Gaining insight into the school's work.

  • Meet teacher representatives, administrators, and school management.

  • Represent the students at the academy and present their opinions.

As a group leader, you can participate in;
  • Being the direct contact person to the school management.

  • Participate in decisions made by the head of the school.

You will gain experience in;
  • How the school works with different issues.

  • Working strategically with educational issues.

  • How Halmstad Student Union works strategically with educational issues.

How do I become a student representative?

During spring term, everyone can apply to become a student representative. Follow us on social media to see the information. As a student representative, you have a term of office of 1 year starting after the summer holidays.

  • You have been a student representative in a program council before

  • You have been elected to a board in a program association or within the Student Union